
2019 General Assembly Convenes In Raleigh To Kick Off The Legislative “Long Session”

The members of the 2019 General Assembly reconvened in Raleigh last Wednesday to kick off the legislative “long session.” The long session is the first of a biannual legislative process that allows members to introduce legislation without restriction. Over the next several months more than 1,000 bills will be introduced by 170 members of both the House of Representatives and the Senate. There is no time restraint on the length of this session. Unlike the three previous long sessions, Republicans will not hold a veto proof “super-majority.” If the Governor vetoes legislation moving forward, Republicans in the chamber will either have to have Democrats cross the aisle or alter the legislation so that the Governor does not object. There are many dynamics that make adjournment predictions difficult. No matter how long the process takes, your NCHBA legislative team will be there every step of the way looking after the best interests of our members.

The legislative process will pause over the next two weeks as legislators and staff take care of several logistical formalities. Leaders in both the House and Senate chambers will work with members on committee and office assignments. The next scheduled session will be held on Wednesday, January 30.

NCHBA, in concert with several other business organizations, held a reception for the members of the 2019 General Assembly on Tuesday night. Joining your legislative team for the event was 2019 President Phil Warrick, President-Elect Mark Martin, Legislative Committee Chair Warren Smith, Build PAC Chair Allen Oliver, and OBX member Duke Geraghty. The event was held at the North Carolina Museum of History and was a great start to the new session. Several of the newly elected members of the two chambers were in attendance along with veteran legislators of both parties. This allowed the team to start the process of building new relationships, while forging relationships with returning members.

In 2019, NCHBA’s legislative team will continue to work with legislators on behalf of our members in an effort to ease the regulatory burden on home builders across North Carolina. The last several sessions have produced extraordinary results for the home building industry, saving builders millions of dollars in taxes and regulations. With regulations touching nearly every aspect of land development and home construction, NCHBA must continue to scale back unnecessary barriers that prevent the industry from reaching its full market potential.

Once again, NCHBA will have a major pro-active agenda which is still being formulated. Your legislative team is already meeting with key legislators to discuss those items. In addition, one the most important jobs of your legislative team over the next several months will be to monitor the introduction of legislation with emphasis on bills which may have adverse consequences on the housing industry. We will also be working in conjunction with other business groups on matters of common interest.  

2025 Quarterly Meetings

February 11
NCHBA 1st Quarter Board Meeting
May 6-7
NCHBA Legislative Conference & 2nd Quarter Board Meeting
September 15
NCHBA Third Quarter Board Meeting
December 11
NCHBA 4th Quarter Board Meeting & Installation

Thank You to Our NCHBA Business partners!

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