
Construction Class Teaches Adults New Skills

Instructor Paul Wynn instructs students in his 8-week occupational training class, which was organized by the NC Construction Training Partnership. Photo Credit: Aaron Hines

The NC Construction Training Partnership completed its first-ever class in Greenville, NC in December. The eight-week occupational training class taught adult students the fundamentals of construction. Students learned about footings and foundations, framing techniques, window and door installation, roofing, and more. A career day event capped off the experience for students.

The NC Construction Training Partnership (CTP) is a joint effort of the North Carolina Home Builders Association, North Carolina Housing Finance Agency, and three NC municipalities – High Point, Durham, and Greenville. Classes are taught twice a year in each city.

The Greenville class was held at the Third Street Education Center.

“I enjoyed being down east and appreciate the overall enthusiasm shown by the industry, students, and the City of Greenville,” said Kep Paylor, director of the CTP for NCHBA. “The class site is unlike anything we’ve ever had and it worked great for all parties. We have a waiting list for the next class, which will start mid-Spring.”

Paul Wynn, who has experience both in the field and as a trades teacher, served as instructor. Special thanks to Glen Morrison of the Inner Banks HBA and Pitt Community College for recommending Paul for the job.

2025 Quarterly Meetings

February 11
NCHBA 1st Quarter Board Meeting
May 6-7
NCHBA Legislative Conference & 2nd Quarter Board Meeting
September 15
NCHBA Third Quarter Board Meeting
December 11
NCHBA 4th Quarter Board Meeting & Installation

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