
NCHBA Requests Member Participation in Blueprint for Worker Well-Being Pilot Program

NCHBA is partnering with the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and the Job-Site Safety Institute (JSI) to launch the Blueprint for Worker Well-Being Pilot Program. This program aims to gather input from NCHBA members in order to help leading experts develop tools especially for members to identify and learn more about mental health and well-being issues.

Mental health challenges have been called invisible crises. Sometimes we can’t always see existing mental health conditions, misery from chronic pain, mental exhaustion and fatigue, substance use problems and post-traumatic stress, but these experiences left unchecked increase the risk of overdose and suicide – deaths of despair.

Construction workers are particularly susceptible to mental health issues and suicide. More construction workers die by suicide each day than all workplace-related fatalities combined, with a rate of 43.5 suicides per 100,000 workers, second only to the mining and oil/gas extraction industry. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated mental health issues across the country.

NCBHA is doing something about this concern.

How You Can Help

NCHBA requests member participation in the following survey. Now through August 4, NCHBA asks all of our members to complete a brief survey about mental health and well-being. We ask for participation from all members, including builder, associate and affiliate members. The survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete and your responses will remain completely anonymous.

Your participation will help change the culture in the construction industry around mental health and well-being.

For more resources, visit’s new Mental Health and Well-Being page. There you will find a series of Toolbox Talks that provide simple, digestible action steps you can easily take to help yourself or those on your jobsite in regards to their mental health and resilience needs. You may choose to print and share these graphics in-person on job sites.

For a full suite of additional resources, visit NAHB’s Member Mental Health and Well-Being page.

2025 Quarterly Meetings

February 11
NCHBA 1st Quarter Board Meeting
May 6-7
NCHBA Legislative Conference & 2nd Quarter Board Meeting
September 15
NCHBA Third Quarter Board Meeting
December 11
NCHBA 4th Quarter Board Meeting & Installation

Thank You to Our NCHBA Business partners!

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